Monday, February 25, 2013

Bishop Peak San Luis Obispo

Bishop Peak is the highest peak of  the Nine Sisters, nine prominent volcanic plugs that are in close proximity to each other and stretch from Morro Rock (one of the Nine!) to Islay Hill, within the city limits of San Luis Obispo.  This chain of volcanic plugs were formed 20 to 25 million years ago, consisting of congealed lava that filled in the deep parts of the vents of an even more ancient string of volcanoes.  

The hike begins at an elevation of 340 feet and the summit of the peak is at 1559 feet.  Its a moderate 3 to 4 hour hike (2.2 miles one way), mostly sun, and can get very hot, so bring lots of water and sunscreen!  I suggest bringing a snack too, because once you get to the top, the views are amazing, and you will want to take a few moments to savor it before the trek down.  

Once at the top, you are afforded views of Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, Morro Bay, Morro Rock and  Laguna Lake.  It is breathtaking and a little scary for us people that are afraid of heights.  I hugged the cliff of our lunch spot, and braved it for the incredible view of the countryside!  Coupled with Thursday night Farmers Market, it makes quite the getaway.  

Take US 101 and navigate to 800 Patricia  Drive San Luis Obispo 93405.  There will be a large open area to your left.  Look for a trail sign and 4 black posts to your left.  Continue approx 150 feet to the Bishop Peak Trailhead, which will go left up the hill.  Enjoy!!  

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